About Me

Developed in

  • Languages
    • C
    • C++
    • C#
    • ARM Assembly
    • Python
  • Engines
    • Unreal Engine 4 Á 5
    • Unity
    • custom Game Engines
  • Platforms
    • Windows
    • VR (Meta Quest II)
  • Version Control
    • Github
    • Perforce

My name is Carlos Cordero and I am from Spain. Videogames have shaped my life in more ways than I can describe it, so I embarked on a journey to make people feel what I felt when I first started playing.

I’m a passionate, dedicated videogames programmer with a soft spot for graphics and porting. I’m always looking for opportunities to learn and slowly get the quality of my work up to the high standards I hold myself up to.

I would love to work with a team that is also passionate about videogames and that allows me to grow as a developer and as a person.

Download my CV